Outracing Zombies or transportation during the Zombie Apocalypse


After watching American Blackout, I realized my ideas  of driving after a Zombie Apocalypse are pretty close to none.  If there is no electricity, then gas pumps will not work. and while that might be okay in my urban jungle, part of my plan is to escape the big city and live rurally.

It just so happens that I have a little piece of farmland that I am making payments on as long as the money hold out that is, which is big enough to put a little house and be self sufficient.  All of the skills I am learning now, I will put to use on this farmstead.   The problem is to get there since it is one thousand miles away.

What I need for the zombie apocalypse

What I need for the zombie apocalypse

I am thinking cargo bikes for the whole family and camping along the way.  something like this:

I have access to bicycles as well as the means to create carts such as these, and figured we could pack a tent and other camping equipment onto one and the other two trailers carry supplies for homesteading such as seeds, tools etc. and perhaps even use them as cots while we are on the road.  My husband and daughter are pretty handy with bike repair so I wont worry too much if we break down.

Perhaps when we get to where we’re going we can use them to  generate electricity or pump water.


I better work on getting into shape.  Starting a new blog about that.

By the way this is day six of NaBloPoMo and I am still going strong.  Thanks for reading.  Havent decided what I  will write about tomorrow.  In the meantime, please check out my facebook page : www.facebook.com/areyoureadyforzombiesnow

And dont forget to Watch Out for Zombies!


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